MATLAB Software for Video Denoising with Planelets -------------------------------------------------- The Planelet package has a self-contained 3D Laplacian Pyramid implementation, with the following .m files: computeLpyr3.m maxPyrHt3.m namedFilter.m binomialFilter.m buildLpyr3.m reconLpyr3.m The 3D FFT is implemented in : computeInvLocalFFT3.m computeLocalFFT3.m Some visualisation routines are: showFFT_Lpyr3.m showImage3.m showImage3_two.m showLpyr3.m showMovie.m The main routines for denoising are: addGaussian.m Additive Gaussian Noise generation denoise3_sure.m Planelet denoising using the SURE thresholding denoise3_psure.m Planelet Packet denoising using the SURE thresholding Some routines are obsolete and you don't have to worry about them. But do play around with them if interested.