MATLAB Software for Video Denoising using 3D Wavelet Packets ------------------------------------------------------------ Although the Wavelet Packet Denoising Package is extended from the WaveLab, it is self-contained and does not require the WaveLab distribution to run. But you probably need to get one if you are NOT using Linux. Just need to replace DownDyadHi.mexglx DownDyadLo.mexglx UpDyadHi.mexglx UpDyadLo.mexglx with .m files: DownDyadHi.m DownDyadLo.m UpDyadHi.m UpDyadLo.m The major routines in the package are documented below: bayesThreshold.m Performs the BayesThresholding on the coefficents. bayesThreshold1.m Performs the same thresholding but with proposed sigma estimates. estimateNoise.m Does the proposed noise sigma estimation. denoise_wp_bayes.m The routine takes a noisy image, does the forward Wavlet Packet transform, perform the thresholding and inverse it back. psnr.m PSNR metric on data. All listed *.m files are with help comments.