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Commentary: Operations

Class has operations that manipulate its attributes and perform other operations on its objects. Operations are sometimes referred to as functions; can be applied onto its own objects only. May have return types. Operation names may be overloaded; parameters differentiating between them. Parameters have types and may have default values. Operations are applied to an object of a class by calling it from that object. Operations hold the services offered by the class; they form the interface of the class. Visibility and scope of operations in a class may be restricted as for attributes. Static operations are referred to as class-scope operations, as they apply to all the instances of the class. They may be called directly using class name and without creating any instances. Class-scope operations can access only class-scope attributes of the class. Class-scope operations carry out generic operations of the class e.g., creating objects, finding objects, etc.

Operation syntax:

visibility name (parameter-list): return type-exp {property-string}
name: type-exp=default-value

Default values of parameters are as supplied in class definition. Operations are implemented by methods; methods are NOT operations. Operations are specified (in the documentation file) using pre-conditions, post-conditions, algorithms, and effects on objects. Pre-conditions are conditions that must be true before the operations can be applied. Post-conditions are conditions that must be true after the operations has been completed. Operation properties are documented in a file which are accessible via tools. Persistent classes will have their objects stored in files so that they may be accessed even after the program has finished. Class-scope operations of a persistent class performs the storing and retrieval of objects; such operations may be: store(), load(), create()... Persistent class operations are shown by persistent tagged values.

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Ananda Amatya