Partial Metric Spaces  

Key properties
More properties
Open problems
The story
Non symmetric
Metric semantics
Domain theory



Welcome to this site designed to collate and stimulate research into all aspects of partial metric spaces.

This page is maintained by myself, Steve Matthews. Please email me with any errors, broken links, omissions, open problems, new research, or useful commentary, in or pertaining to partial metric spaces.

An Introductory article on Partial Metric Spaces has just been published in American Mathematical Monthly (116 pp.708-718).

Please click on any of the following links, or navigate this site using the menu to the left.

Welcome -- this page
Definition -- what is a partial metric space?
Differences -- how does a partial metric space differ from a metric space?
Examples -- what are some examples of partial metric spaces?
Key properties -- what are the key properties of partial metric spaces?
More properties -- what do we know about partial metric spaces?
Open problems -- what are the open problems for research into partial metric spaces?
The story -- what is the story behind partial metric spaces?
Contributors -- who has contributed to the development of partial metric spaces?
Non symmetric -- how do partial metric spaces relate to non symmetric topology?
Metric semantics -- how do partial metric spaces relate to the metric semantics of programming languages?
Domain theory -- how do partial metric spaces relate to Scott's theory of domains?
Publications -- what are the publications to study to find out more about partial metric spaces?
Applications -- what are the known or conceived uses of partial metric spaces?
Presentations -- are there any useful OHP slides or powerpoint presentations on partial metric spaces?
Forums -- what are the means for discussing partial metric spaces with other people?