Authors' Instructions

The Second Warwick Empirical Modelling Bulletin

Formatting Instructions

Please use the following format when submitting your papers to WEB-EM-2.

Style Files and Templates

MS Word template

Sample MS Word file to serve as a template for the paper format.

LaTeX template

LaTeX template file to be used as basis to write the paper and demonstrating the use of the LaTeX style file

LaTeX style file

LaTeX style file to be used by the LaTeX source. An example for the use is shown in the template file mentioned above.

BibTeX file

Used by above example LaTeX template to generate the bibliography. Replace it by your own bibliography file

PDF file
(EM-WEB.pdf) Postscript

In case of doubt, this is the reference format with respect to font sizes, page layout, title organization etc. to be followed. Since there tend to be changes in appearance, depending on the drivers on individual platforms, authors should ensure that their printout formats conform to this sample file.

General Formatting Instructions

Camera-ready copy should be submitted on A4 size paper, single-sided.

Paper and Model Submission

Authors should submit 1 electronic copy (pdf or postscript only) of their camera-ready paper, together with the MS Word or LaTeX source files. Your paper should be accompanied by an archive (zip or tar.gz) containing your supporting model(s) and documentation. Electronic submission should be made via BOSS.

Title, ID number and Abstract

Title should appear at the top of the first page, centred, in 17pt bold text. Your ID number should appear below the title.

The abstract should be indented on both sides by 1cm, and be set in 10pt type. The heading "Abstract" in 10pt bold should be centred one line space above it.

Number of Pages

The number of pages accepted for publication will be determined by the weighting given to the written component of your assignment. A paper submitted for X% of the total credit for the assignment (where X = 30, 40, 50, 60 or 70) can be most X/10 pages A4 single-sided. Hence if your paper is for 30% credit, it should be no longer than 3 pages of A4 etc.

Page Layout and Typeface

Aside from the title, authors and abstract, papers should be typeset in two-column mode, with margins of 2.54cm (1in) at the top (except for the title page; in the MS Word template, the title starts three empty lines below the top margin, if you use LaTeX, the \title macro will provide you with the correct result), 3.54cm at the bottom, and 2.54cm on either side. The inter-column margin should be 1cm.

There should be no running page headers or footers.

Typeface should be Times Roman, single-spaced, with body text appearing in 10pt size. For emphasis, please use italic font, and do not use bold or underline in the running text. Do not use italic or underline in titles.

Three levels of section heading are acceptable: 14pt, 12pt and 10pt. All should be in bold face. Sections should be numbered in the form N, N.M, N.M.R, for the three levels, respectively.

Figures and Tables

Where possible, figures and tables should appear in the running text, as close to the first reference to them as possible. They should be numbered consecuctively in Arabic numerals, figures and tables each having their own distinct numbering.

Captions for figures should be centred below the figure; captions for tables should be centred above the table.


Footnotes should appear at the foot of the column in which they are referenced. They should be separated from the main text by a horizontal line, left-justified, spanning more than 0.6 and up to 0.75 of the width of the column. Point size should be 8 point. Footnote numbers should be sequential, and in arabic script.

Page Numbering

Pages should be numbered.


Acknowledgements should be placed in a section headed "Acknowledgements", as a top level heading, but without a section number, immediately before the bibliography.

References and Bibliography

References should be given in the style shown. References in running text should appear as "Bloggs (1991)", and parenthetically as "(Bloggs, 1991)". Multiple parenthetical references should appear as "(Bloggs, 1992; Doe, 1994)". Please order multiple references chronologically.

The bibliography should appear at the end of the text, headed "References" as a top level section heading, but without a section number. Each reference should begin with the surname of the first author, initials first, and then the other authors in the same order (i.e. J. Bloggs), separated by commas. Next should come title, then source (i.e. journal, conference, etc.), volume, number, and pages specified as "V(N):pp-pp", any extra information, publisher, address of publisher, and finally date.

Bibliography entries should be ordered first alphabetically and then chronologically.

Submission of Papers

The deadline for submission of your assignment is 12 noon on Monday January 23rd 2006.