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Classes: This 1

 *  This code is from the book:
 *  Winder, R and Roberts, G (1998)
 *  Developing Java Software
 *  John Wiley & Sons.
 *  It is copyright (c) 1997 Russel Winder
 *  and Graham Roberts.

class l1ClThis1{//This

  private int i = 10;
  private int j = this.i;//same as private int j=i;
  private int k;
  { k = this.j;}//same as private int k = j;

  public l1ClThis1(){
    this(10);//call the other constructor

  private l1ClThis1(int i){
    this.i = i;

  public void f(){
    //CANNOT assign to this as the current object
    //cannot be changed.
    //this = new Test();

    //ILLEGAL: can ONLY call constructors
    //from a constructor

  public static void main(String[] args){
    l1ClThis1 t = new l1ClThis1();
    l1ClThis1 t2 = new l1ClThis1(10);
/******** sample compilation & run ********
# javac 
# java l1ClThis1      

Ananda Amatya