Lab 6: LaTeX


This lab was an introduction to LaTeX

  1. Using LaTeX, create an article docuument, with 12 pt font and two columns. Create three sections and divide these into sections, subsections and subsubsections. Adding enumeration, itemization, and figures to the document. [1]
  2. Using the algorithmic and algorithm packages to create a LaTeX document with an algorithm, which prints even numbers from 0 to n for some integer n. [2]



I had learned LaTeX before this lab, having used it for both CS133 and CS132. Therefore, I came into this session with already a decent amount of familiarity with LaTeX. This meant that overall the tasks were quite straight forward to do, and I already had other documents which implemented most of the above required.

The algorithmic package is quite interesting, however, and that was new to me. It still was not too difficult to grasp.
