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Programming languages
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Programming languages

Perhaps the most powerful thing you can do with computers is to develop your own programs. While we have looked at some ways of writing programs through shells, Awk and Perl, for example, high-level programming languages offer many more facilities.

Java, for example, is a very powerful language that is increasingly being used across a range of platforms and for a variety of applications. It is particularly interesting because of its use in web applications, and being run through web browsers, which is increasingly common. Under UNIX and Linux, Java can be installed by downloading the appropriate software from There are different versions available for Solaris (a version of UNIX) and Linux, with full instructions. Many other languages are also available for download. The following table offers a quick summary of a selection of these, but is not at all exhaustive, because there are far too many. However, a quick web search will usually reveal the necessary information.

Copyright © 2002 Mike Joy, Stephen Jarvis and Michael Luck