Main index

Introducing UNIX and Linux

Advanced shell programming

Sending and trapping signals
      Signal names
The 'exec' mechanism
The 'eval' mechanism
Sending data across networks
      Sending printable characters
      Splitting files
Safe programming
Setting up a terminal
More on files
Miscellaneous utilities

The 'eval' mechanism

Suppose you are using variables that contain values representing the names of other variables. For instance, you wish to check the values of variables X1 through X100, and you need a loop to perform this task. You cannot choose another variable N, loop the value of N from 1 to 100 using expr, and examine the value of X$N. It simply won't work. Nor does the shell allow indexed variables, such as arrays as in Pascal or C. You must use eval instead; eval will examine its arguments, and concatenate them to form a command it then executes. The arguments to eval are examined and any environment variables are replaced by their values. This forms the command that is then executed. So to print out the values of PS1, PS2 and HOME, we might have:

for i in HOME PS1 PS2
   eval echo The value of $i is '$'$i

For the first iteration of the loop, the value of i is HOME; the command

eval echo The value of $i is '$'$i

is then executed. The first thing that eval does is to replace $ii by HOME and remove the quotes, and then the remainder of the line after eval is executed as a command itself:

echo The value of HOME is $HOME

This process is then repeated with i set to PS1 and then to PS2.

Worked example

Create a script to read in a single-line command and execute it.
Solution: Use read to read in the command into a variable (say CMD) and eval to execute that command.

echo "Type a command:"      # Prompt the user ...
read CMD                    # read in the command ...
eval $CMD                   # and run it

Note that the last line of the script must not be simply $CMD - see what happens if you change that line to $CMD and then enter ls $HOME as the command. You will get a message

ls: $HOME: No such file or directory

indicating that it was trying to find a file whose actual name is $HOME.

If you find yourself needing to specify an array of variables while shell programming, then using eval is the only method available to you. Your problem is likely to be solved more effectively using another utility, and Awk is recommended.

Copyright © 2002 Mike Joy, Stephen Jarvis and Michael Luck